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Bridge between India and Europe

The Gundert Kaudinya Mögling Foundation (GKMS) is currently in the founding phase. It should build bridges between people of different ethnicities, religious groups, ways of thinking and living. According to the win-win principle, it should support people and companies, especially in Germany and India.


Citizens of one world

Excerpts from the articles of association

A network is to be created first between scholarship holders and alumni of the GKMS, later between (educational) institutions from different countries.

The sustainable exchange should arouse curiosity about the other, use knowledge to prejudice and, in a world that is becoming more and more complex, suggest supra-religious and supranational perspectives.

The sponsored should see themselves as citizens of a world and live responsibly for this and future generations.



Young, talented people from abroad have the opportunity to stay in German-speaking countries.

In order to take part in the program, interested parties go through a selection process in their home country and can then prepare for about 2 years for the stay abroad, for example by learning the German language.

Internships and training

Young, talented people from abroad do their training or internship in German companies and institutions.

In this way, companies and institutions receive a contact person who can act as an interface and confidant between Germany and abroad in the future.

Social projects

German schoolchildren and young adults are given the opportunity to work in a social project in a structurally weak region during the summer vacation or as a social year.

In return, their families in Germany accept scholarship holders from abroad and thus support the mediation of German culture.

Sustainable intercultural exchange

The scholarships are awarded to people from the fields of natural sciences, medicine and technology as well as the humanities, art, music and business.   The aim of the exchange is to gain cultural insights and to broaden the horizon to a global mind. The funding support as alumni or mentors and future generations and thus promote inter-cultural exchange.


The namesake

Bridge builders between India and Europe

Gundert, Kaundinya and Mögling built bridges between India and Europe: Gundert as a linguist and cultural scientist; Kaundinya as an ethnologist and pastor and Mögling as a linguist and innovative strategist. All three gave people a perspective.

Hermann Gundert

Hermann Gundert (1814… 1893) was Hermann Hesse's grandfather and worked from 1836-1859 as a teacher, school founder, missionary and important linguist in South India. He approached people of all castes and religions openly, learned from them and they from him. Because of his literary work, he is now considered the father of Malayalam by the Keralese.

Herrmann Anandrao Kaundinya

Herrmann Anandrao Kaundinya (1825… 1893) was a Brahmin who had become Christian and enjoyed his training in India, Switzerland and Germany. From 1851 he used his entire fortune in the Kodagu (Coorg) district, buying land for the construction of the village of Anandapur and thus creating the livelihood for former farm workers. He and his German wife were examples of an intercultural way of life.

Herrmann Friedrich Mögling

Herrmann Friedrich Mögling (1811… 1881) founded schools and teacher seminars in South India and received an honorary doctorate from the University of Tübingen. He was a democrat and met all people, regardless of gender, intellect or religion, on an equal footing. With his wife Pauline he created essential foundations for the village of Anandapur.



The GKM Foundation relies on your support to implement the three pillars. It is recognized as a non-profit organization. Since employees work on a voluntary basis, donations flow directly to the foundation.

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DE70 6005 0101 0002 2237 82

1st chairman: Christoph Frenz

2nd chairman: Wolfgang Howald

Treasurer: Britta Nanz

Allmersbacher Strasse 27

70374 Stuttgart

Tel .: + 49-711-7071417
Fax: + 49-711-7071418


We look forward to the contact and exchange!
Your Hermann Gundert Society

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